I have been practicing acupuncture for near on 30 years.My original medical training is as a Pharmacist and I still work part time at Findon in this profession.
The style of acupuncture I mainly practice now is Distal Needling Acupuncture (DNA) as taught around the world by the original Chinese Masters of Acupuncture.With this I aim for 80 - 90 % pain relief. This method is where needles are carefully selected away from the painful site thus minimizing discomfort after treatment.
I still practice local TCM Acupuncture-some call it dry needling and in some patients this style gives better results.
Thus I seek out whatever works best for my patients.
I also use Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine for which I must feel the pulse and look at the tongue to individualize the formula.
I believe I provide a courteous, friendly ,happy and comfortable environment and service.
I do not rush with my treatments and ask you to allow 45 to 60 minutes per consult so that I can deliver the best treatment plan for your condition
I do ask you to be patient. Acupuncture is not always a "quick fix" and it may take several treatments especially if there are other co-comitant issues.
Not everyone responds favorably to Acupuncture and thus I will refer onto another health care provider.